If you’re after an impressive roast dinner centrepiece, look no further. You’ll want a joint with a good covering of fat and marbling throughout. Cooking it on the bone using the reverse sear method then giving it plenty of time to rest will ensure perfect ‘doneness’ all the way through, crisp, charred fat and incredible flavour.
Set up your EGG
Set up your EGG for indirect cooking — with the ConvEGGtor legs up and the Stainless Steel Grid on top.
Your target temperature is 120˚C. If you own an EGGspander, set it up without the top shelf.
Getting Started
Remove the beef from the fridge a minimum of 2 hours before cooking to allow it to reach room temperature.
Rub the meat with rapeseed oil and season heavily all over with salt. When you're done, place it in the EGG.
Roasting your Beef
Roast for 3-4 hours, or until the internal temperature reaches 58˚C — the perfect temperature for a forerib of beef.
Once you've reached this internal temperature, remove the joint from the EGG, wrap in foil and leave to stand.
Remove the ConvEGGtor from the EGG and replace it with your Cast Iron Searing Grid. Raise the EGG temperature to 250˚C.
Put the joint back on the EGG, and sear each side for some trademark char lines. This should only take a few minutes.
![rib of beef](https://www.datocms-assets.com/32685/1613665589-rib-of-beef4.jpg)
![rib of beef](https://www.datocms-assets.com/32685/1613665653-rib-of-beef5.jpg)
As a guide, for medium-rare cook to 55-60˚C, medium cook to 60-65˚C, or medium-well cook to 65-70˚C.
Remove the beef, season with freshly ground black pepper and rest in a warm place for at least 45 minutes. The ideal resting temperature is 58-60˚C.
Then carve off of the bone and make sure to give each person a thick slice. It's easier to portion and and looks pretty impressive!
Serve with your favourite roast dinner trimmings.