Pork and smoke are a wonderful combination and one of those classic BBQ flavours. I’m guessing that when you bought your EGG, a big hunk of pork was on your list of things to cook first. With this recipe you are managing a temperature change during the cook. You will find yourself having to do this to crisp up, sear or finish a dish in plenty of recipes. This works equally well with a boned and rolled pork collar roasting joint.
Adding wood chips here is very much a matter of personal taste. I think it can get a bit much on slow cooks, and if you are using a quality charcoal there is plenty of flavour already. I suggest you master these recipes without wood chips and then experiment once you are confident. That way you will have a base flavour to compare ‘chips vs no chips’, safe in the knowledge you have not made a mistake in the cooking process.
Season the joint all over with salt and pepper on the flesh side. Place on the grill skin side up, close the lid and roast for 1½–2 hours, until the internal temperature of the meat reaches about 60–65°C.
While the pork is roasting, peel and crush the garlic with a little salt then add to a blender. Add the membrillo and blend slowly, adding the oil in a thin stream, stopping a few times, until all the oil is emulsified into the membrillo. Add salt, pepper and lemon juice to taste.
![The perfect crackling](https://www.datocms-assets.com/32685/1619601387-pork-belly-crackling.jpg)
![Plate up your final dish](https://www.datocms-assets.com/32685/1619601391-pork-belly-dish.jpg)
Increase the temperature of the EGG to 180°C and turn the pork skin side down to crackle the skin. Check every 2 or 3 minutes, moving it away from any hot spots near the edge if it looks like it might scorch before crackling.
Allow to rest for 20 minutes before carving or slicing and serving with the membrillo alioli.
Recipe © Cooking on the Big Green Egg, Quadrille 2021 Author: James Whetlor Photographer: Sam Folan